Agent 47 - Birth of the Hitman #1

Divinity #0

I must admit I had to go back and re-read the end of Valiant's excellent Divinity: Stalinverse series to get an idea of what this book was about. If you haven't checked out Stalinverse by the way, I strongly advise you to do so; the Sovietised take on the Valiant Universe is very cool and well thought-out, and gives us a rewritten history storyline that can show Secret Empire a thing or two. 

However that was back in March, and the fact I had to go back and refamiliarise myself isn't a great starting point for this book, which shows Divinity, aka Abram Adams, making his way round the various Valiant heroes to see how they're doing following the events of Stalinverse. As that concluded back in March, it's a little hard to engage with this idea and it feels like this comic could have done with being released a couple of months ago. It feels a little pedestrian and story-wise, I get the feeling this is probably an issue you could miss without losing track of the upcoming arc. 
In Soviet Russia, comic reads you
What really struck me in the book was the art. Renato Guedes has produced some stunning visuals that are a joy to look at, and have obviously been done with a real passion. The colours are rich and the composition is reminiscent of a movie poster, in that it leads you instinctively through the story. I found myself just staring at some of the pages for a long time, not reading but just taking in the wonderful images created for this book. 

I could take or leave the story, but I stuck around for the artwork. If that is combined with an interesting and engaging story in the upcoming issues, this will become a must-read.

3 / 5
